孙雅楠,1983年生,任西安美术学院服装系专业教师。本科西安美术学院服装设计专业,硕士工程大学服装与艺术学院,中国教育部高等学校骨干教师访问学者中央美术学院设计学院毕业。2019 GAMMA Young Artist Competition Fashion & Design国际金奖时装画获中国美术家协会第二届、第三届中国时装画大展优秀。多次获全国高等院校大学生服装设计大赛最佳指导教师奖。毕业生展多次优秀指导教师一等奖。发表著作及论文十余篇。参与中国航天、秦兵马俑、大唐芙蓉园等企业服装设计制作。

Sun Yanan, female, born in May 1983, is currently a professor and vice director of the Department of Fashion, Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts. Graduated from Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts with a Bachelor degree in Fashion Design and a Master degree from the College of Fashion and Art of Engineering University. Won the Best Instructor Award in the National College Students Fashion Design competition. Published more than ten books and papers. Participated in the costume design and production of China Aerospace, Qin Terracotta Warriors and Tang Furong Garden and other enterprises.

孙雅楠 Sun Yanan

孙雅楠,女1983年生,任西安美术学院服装系专业教师。本科西安美术学院服装设计专业,硕士工程大学服装与艺术学院,中国教育部高等学校骨干教师访问学者中央美术学院设计学院毕业。获2019 GAMMA Young Artist Competition Fashion & Design国际金奖。时装画获中国美术家协会“第二届、第三届中国时装画大展”优秀。多次获全国高等院校大学生服装设计大赛最佳指导教师奖。毕业生展多次优秀指导教师一等奖。发表著作及论文十余篇...

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