
广州羽蝶浪服饰有限公司   主设计师

曾获得“第五届中国国际时装创新作品大赛 三等奖”

Feng tian wen

Chief designer of Guangzhou Yu Die Lang Clothing Co., LTD

Third prize of the 5th China International Fashion Innovation Competition


作品材质:牛仔面料 Denim fabric



Hearing that there is you in the distance, you travel thousands of miles, the world is secular, you are looking at a lonely landscape, just walk away, a unique journey, comfort the soul, feel the poetry and the distance, you and I go together by different routes, trek the world, everyone walks on their own On the way, we are looking for the meaning of life together. The design of this series combines the regularization of traditional clothing with the creative elements of modern clothing, and expresses the style design in the form of deconstruction and segmentation. The snow-white mountain peaks, winding rivers and roads during the journey, the stepped change of the forest, the changing weather and other landscapes As the material, it mainly uses denim fabrics, denim hairs and light-emitting strips. The blue denim symbolizes the sky, and the light-emitting strips symbolize the tortuous rivers and roads. The laser-engraved denim fabrics and other design techniques are used to express the stepped changes on the journey. Scenery. Interpreting the design concept of unruly secularism in the new era of the 21st century, yearning for freedom, love of travel, loyalty to one's life attitude and promoting the harmonious development of man and nature.


冯添文广州羽蝶浪服饰有限公司   主设计师曾获得“第五届中国国际时装创新作品大赛 三等奖”Feng tian wenChief designer of Guangzhou Yu Die Lang Clothing Co., LTDThird prize of the 5th China International Fashion Innovation Competition 作品名称:跋涉trek作品材质:牛仔面料 Denim fabric合作设计师:苏海浪、苏海风、冯添文、郑娇恩听闻远方有你,动身跋涉千里,世俗天下,你在看孤独的风景,说走就走,一段独...

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