







联合国“无界”国际艺术展 美国纽约联合国总部

德国“点、线、面”德中艺术与设计主题联展 德国莱茵美术馆

中国纤维艺术世界巡展——意大利展 意大利普拉托纺织博物馆


首届“纺织之光”中国纺织艺术展 中华世纪坛


“艺舞春风”丙申艺术名家邀请展 中国国际展览中心 

Liang Zhiyin, born on June 1994. PhD candidate of Tsinghua University. BA and MA degree of Tsinghua University. Exchange student of Royal College of Art and Imperial College London 


2019 Excellence Award of Hempel Award the 24th China International Young Fashion Designers Contest

2016 Bronze Award of National Textile Design Contest

2014 Top Award of National Home Products Design Contest

2014 Gold Award of National Textile Design Contest of College Students

2014 Silver Award of National Textile Design Contest


2019 Artwork exhibits in 11th Asia Fiber Art Exhibition and Symposium, Malaysia National Gallery

2018 Artwork exhibit in Chinese Textile Art Exhibition, The China Millennium Monument

2018 Artwork exhibits in The Contemporary Chinese Fiber Art Exhibition in Italy

2017 Artwork exhibits in International Art Exhibition (Youth Art Award), United Nations Headquarters (New York)

2017 Artwork exhibit in International Defending Dyeing Art Exhibition, Tsinghua University Art Museum

2016 Artwork exhibit in Art Masters Invitational Exhibition, China International Exhibition Center

2016 Artwork exhibits in Arts & Design Exhibition of Germany and China, Laing Art Gallery

作品名称:《浮生一梦》Floating in Dream

作品材质:  丝绸  Silk

在东方哲学内涵中,“天人合一”的思想观念蕴含在无形的气质与神韵中,在绵延的山水之间得以体 会。中国文人山水画将天的物象与人的意志完美融合,在自然山水的表象下,艺术家的自我精神再现。中 国水墨遇水则融,浓淡相宜、姿态万千,细腻的绘画笔触在飘逸的水墨晕染中绽开,若隐若现,孕育于“大音希声,大象无形”意蕴中。仿佛如回归初心的忘我之境,所谓梦非梦,实非实,皆虚无也......

《浮生一梦》意在表达人一生的沉浮宛如梦境一般,飘渺而不能自已。它亦真亦假、亦虚亦实,如作品一般恍若梦境。“浮生若梦,而浮尘若空。”我们与世界盘综错节的联结,让我们被命运主宰而随波逐 流。初心被世俗所掩盖,而愈发迷惘。拨开层层迷雾,才能更加真切的审视与反思,发现最初的自己,回 归最初的梦想。


In the connotation of oriental philosophy, the idea of "harmony between human and nature" is contained in the intangible temperament and charm, which can be embodied among the stretching mountains and waters. Chinese literati landscape painting perfectly blends the image of heaven with the will of human, and the self-spirit of artists reappears under the representation of natural landscape. The brush painting of China melts with water, with appropriate shades and multifarious postures. The delicate brush strokes are blooming in the ethereal brush paintings, slightly shady and gestated in the implication of "The great sound seems soundless, the great image seems formless ", as if returned to the original state of ecstasy, the so-called dream is not a dream, real is not a real, everything is nothing ......

A Dream of Floating Life is intended to express that the ups and downs of life are like dreams, ethereal and unable to control. Life is both true and fictional, both virtual and real, like a dream in the work. "The floating life is like a dream, while the floating dust is like nothing." The twisted connection between human and the world makes us be dominated by fate and drift along the stream. The original intention has been covered up by the secular world and become more and more confused. We can only review and retrospect ourselves more vividly by breaking through the fog to discover the original self and return to the original dream.


梁之茵,1994年生,清华大学美术学院在读博士。毕业于清华大学美术学院,获文学学士和艺术学硕士学位。曾赴英国皇家艺术学院和帝国理工学院交流学习。获奖情况“学院联合杯”全国家居产品创意设计大赛特等奖“鲁绣杯”第四届全国大学生家纺创意设计大赛金奖“第十四届全国纺织品设计大赛暨国际理论研讨会”银奖“第十六届全国纺织品设计大赛暨国际理论研讨会”铜奖“汉帛奖”第27届中国国际青年设计师时装作品大赛优秀奖 参展...

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