1995,1997,2000,2003 时装艺术国际展, 光州双年展,韩国
1996 国际可穿戴艺术展,国际服装协会,国 家博物馆,哥本哈根,丹麦
1997 时装艺术节展览,首尔艺术中心,韩国 1998 时装艺术展,柏林‘世界文化之家’, 德国
1999 首尔千禧年系列:可穿戴艺术展览, Duksu Palace,韩国
2001 时装艺术展 - 韩国 2000 年以来的服饰 文化,国家民俗博物馆,韩国 2003,2004,2007 大邱纺织艺术记录,大 邱文化艺术中心,韩国 2004,韩国时装艺术展,香港设计中心 2009,2012,2013,KOSCO 服装展,首尔, 韩国
2014 服装艺术设计展会(中国)- 韩国秀, 今日美术馆
1995,1997,2000,2013 International art to wear exhibition,kwangju innate,korea 1996 international art to wear exhibition,international association of costume, national museum,copenhagen,denmark 1990 exhibition of fashion arts festival,seoul arts center,korea 1998 fashion arts exhibition,haus derkultren der welt Berlin,germany 1990 Seoul millennium collection: art to wear exhibition,duksu palace,korea 2001 fashion arts exhibition-koran costume culture for 2000 years, national folk museum od Korea 2003,2004,2007 daegu textile art documents, daegu culture&art center,korea 2004 Korean fashion art exhibition, hong kong design center 2009,2012,2013,KOSCO COSTUME EXHIBITION ,seoul,korea 2014 fashion art & design
Fair sino[china]-korean show, today art museum.

刘濚瑄 Yoo Young-sun

1995,1997,2000,2003 International Art to Wear Exhibition, Kwangju Biennale, Korea 
1996 International Art to Wear Exhibition, International Association of Costume, National Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark
  1997 Exhibition of Fashion Arts Festival, Seoul Arts Center, Korea 
1998 Fashion Arts Exhibition, Haus der Kulturen der Welt Berlin, Germany
  1999 Seoul millennium Collection: Art to Wear Exhibition, Duksu Palace , Korea 
2001 Fashion Arts Exhibition-Korean Costume Culture for 2000 years, National Folk Museum of Korea 
2003,2004,2007 Daegu Textile Art Documenta, Daegu Culture & Art Center, , Korea 
2004 Korean Fashion Art Exhibition, Hong Kong Design Center 
2009,2012,2013 KOSCO COSTUME EXHIBITION, Seoul, Korea
2014 Fashion Art & Design Fair Sino(China)-Korean Show, Today Art Museum

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